Let's propose the following scenario:
Your use case is to use QuotaGuard to be able to route traffic from your subdomain https://mydomain.com to https://www.mydomain.com.
The user would have two scenarios that might occur as they go to your site:
client ---> https://www.mydomain.com
client ----> https://mydomain.com --> QuotaGuard Proxies --> https://www.mydomain.com
How do you do it? 3 easy steps...
1) Add https://mydomain.com as a custom domain to your inbound proxy.
2) Upload your security certificates for https://mydomain.com in the QuotaGuard Admin Inbound setup.
3) Update the DNS records for mydomain.com to point to the two IPs QuotaGuard provides to you.
Alternate (More Secure) Solution: Use the QuotaGuard "certificate-less" service - QuotaGuard Shield - and create an inbound proxy pointing to https://www.mydomain.com for https://mydomain.com, then update the DNS.
QuotaGuard Shield does not require you upload certificates to our dashboard and removes the risk of a third party attack on QuotaGuard that steals your certificates.