Let's propose the following scenario:

Your use case is to use QuotaGuard to be able to route traffic from your subdomain https://mydomain.com to https://www.mydomain.com.

The user would have two scenarios that might occur as they go to your site: 

client ---> https://www.mydomain.com

client ----> https://mydomain.com --> QuotaGuard Proxies --> https://www.mydomain.com

How do you do it? 3 easy steps...

1) Add https://mydomain.com as a custom domain to your inbound proxy.

2) Upload your security certificates for https://mydomain.com in the QuotaGuard Admin Inbound setup.  

3) Update the DNS records for mydomain.com to point to the two IPs QuotaGuard provides to you.

Alternate (More Secure) Solution: Use the QuotaGuard "certificate-less" service - QuotaGuard Shield - and create an inbound proxy pointing to https://www.mydomain.com for https://mydomain.com, then update the DNS. 

QuotaGuard Shield does not require you upload certificates to our dashboard and removes the risk of a third party attack on QuotaGuard that steals your certificates.


If you have questions, or if this solution doesn’t work or fit your use case, please reach out to us at Support so we can help figure it out with you.

Working with sensitive data, like HIPAA, Financial, or Personally Identifiable Information (PII)? 
    Then you will want to check out our QuotaGuard Shield solution, it's the same as QuotaGuard Static, but with stronger end to end security for your requests. We can also help migrate current Static customers to Shield for free, just reach out to us at Support to request assistance.