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As part of our service, we offer a SOCKS5 proxy which is accessible on your assigned QuotaGuard Static server on port 1080.
SOCKS5 provides TCP level proxying so can handle all sorts of traffic including LDAP.
Ruby has a great LDAP library which can handle the bulk of the work but at the moment it doesn't support sending traffic via a proxy.
To get around this limitation, we have produced a patched version of net-ldap which routes all LDAP traffic through our SOCKS proxy.
This requires a patched version of socksify-ruby, so you just need to install these two gems from our Github repository.
#Gemfile gem 'socksify', github: "quotaguard/socksify-ruby", branch: "master" gem 'net-ldap', github: "quotaguard/ruby-net-ldap", branch: "master"